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Audrey’s Story

With your support, Audrey has the artificial limbs she needs to achieve her goals.

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Audrey’s Story

With your support, Audrey has the artificial limbs she needs to achieve her goals.

Audrey and Leah standing by an outdoor rink demonstrating how they hold their hockey sticks with their specialized artificial arms.

Audrey and Leah built a strong friendship after meeting through the CHAMP Program. Together, they demonstrate The War Amps philosophy of “amputees helping amputees.”

“As the father of a young amputee, I would like to personally thank those who donate to The War Amps.

Audrey is eight years old and was born missing part of her right arm. The Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program was there for us from the start and has been so important to our family.

Audrey is the only amputee in our small community. Being in the CHAMP Program allows her to meet and learn from other kids like her, and through them she has found a support system unlike anything else.

Audrey and Leah standing by an outdoor rink demonstrating how they hold their hockey sticks with their specialized artificial arms.

At our last CHAMP Seminar we met Leah, who is 15 and an arm amputee too. Leah and Audrey both love hockey, and it has been inspiring for our daughter to see Leah play. The War Amps has provided Audrey with a special artificial limb for hockey, which gives her the ability to hold on to her stick with two hands. She has the biggest smile on her face when she’s scoring goals. It’s a way for her to gain confidence and be active.

We don’t get any funding through the government or our own insurance for the artificial limbs that help Audrey ride a bike or things like that – those have all been provided by The War Amps. They have also helped with the cost of her everyday arm. Thanks to the public’s donations, she can participate in activities just like any other child.

To donors who make CHAMP possible, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Audrey’s life would not be the same without your support.”

— Darren, Audrey’s dad

Your support of the Key Tag Service makes a life-changing difference for children like Audrey.

The War Amps DOES NOT:

  • Use professional fundraisers
  • Receive government grants
  • Solicit by phone or door-to-door
  • Sell or trade your name/address
  • Spend more than 10% on administration
  • Tie up funds in long-term investments
We take seriously our responsibility to our donors and strive to provide them with the information needed to make a well-informed decision and have a sense of how their money is being used. Our Annual Report is one way in which we do that.