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Headshot of William (Bill) Whiteside


Bill Whiteside

William “Bill” Whiteside was born on October 27, 1918, in Montreal, Quebec. He enlisted with the 16th Field Company, 3rd Division, Royal Canadian Engineers in February 1941 and was deployed to England in June of that year.

After landing in France on D-Day, he continued fighting inland and saw action in Holland and Belgium. While in Belgium, at the Battle of Leopold Canal in October 1944, he was seriously wounded. His war injuries caused the loss of his arm and an eye. To recover, he was sent back to Canada and officially discharged on February 15, 1945, with the rank of Sergeant.

Mr. Whiteside was the first above elbow amputee fitted with a myoelectric arm at the Montreal Rehabilitation Institute.

He joined The War Amps the year he was discharged and was an active member, serving in the positions of:

  • Vice-President (1958) and Civilian Liaison Representative, Montreal Branch
  • Member, War Amps Executive Board
  • Member, War Amps Ways and Means Committee

He passed away on December 9, 1987.

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