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CHAMP Stories

The CHAMP Program is built on the Winner’s Circle philosophy, which encourages child amputees (Champs) to accept their amputations and develop a positive approach to challenges.

Thanks to public support of the Key Tag Service, The War Amps is able to provide funding for the artificial limbs and devices Champs need to lead independent and active lives.

Meet some of our Champs and their families and see how your support is making a difference in their lives!

Michaela’s Story

Michaela became a double leg amputee due to a medical condition at a young age. She has everyday legs that she wears to school and for playing sports, as well as water legs to keep her safe on slippery surfaces.

Vanessa’s Story

Vanessa was born without part of her left arm. She has a myoelectric arm that has a hand that opens and closes, which helps her to do activities like puzzles and colouring. She’s so proud of her devices, and loves to show them off to everybody.

Abel’s Story

Abel was born without the lower part of his left arm. His prosthetic limbs and devices, funded by The War Amps, allow him to do everyday tasks as well as play his favourite sports like basketball.

Ernie’s Story

Ernie lost his arm in a farm accident. Now, he helps spread the PLAYSAFE message. “Machines might move slow, but accidents happen fast,” he says, reminding other children to spot the danger before they play.

Michaela’s Story

Michaela was born without part of her left arm, as well as some fingers and toes. She calls her artificial arms her “helper hands.” She has her everyday hand as well as a special one for activities like riding her bike.

Amputees Helping Amputees

Audrey and Leah built a strong friendship after meeting through the CHAMP Program. Together, they demonstrate The War Amps philosophy of “amputees helping amputees.”

Feranmi’s Story

Feranmi was born with complications affecting both legs and the doctors said the best option to allow him to walk properly was amputation. He was fitted with his first set of artificial legs at the age of two and, today, can achieve anything he sets his mind to.

Jaelynn’s Story

Jaelynn is an independent five-year-old who has learned to do all kinds of things using her myoelectric arm. Jaelynn says, “My arm helps me do everything! It opens and closes when I move my muscles.”

Dylan’s Story

Dylan was enrolled in the CHAMP Program after he developed bacterial meningitis that resulted in multiple amputations. His adaptive bicycle, funded by donations to the Key Tag Service, lets him go on rides with friends and helps him with mobility.

Sophia’s Story

Sophia is proud of the “helping hands” she uses to achieve her goals. Her dad says, “With the support of The War Amps, Sophia has all the tools she needs to overcome the challenges that come with being an amputee.”

Julianna’s Story

Being born missing her right arm below the elbow hasn’t stopped Julianna from living a full and active life and achieving her dreams.

Ella’s Story

From the time Ella’s parents learned their daughter would be born an amputee, The War Amps has been there to help. She uses artificial arms and devices to enjoy her favourite activities!

Trinity’s Story

Trinity’s recreational limbs help her to run, jump and play, but being a part of the CHAMP Program has also given her confidence in herself. There’s no stopping Trinity – watch what she can do!

Roan’s Story

One day while Roan was playing on the family farm, he fell off a riding lawn mower and the blades severed his leg above the knee. Roan and his parents want to warn others about the dangers of lawn mowers to prevent such accidents from happening again.

“Without The War Amps and all of their financial support for Jericho’s artificial limbs, we don’t know where we would be right now. He lives their motto “It’s what’s left that counts” every single day. We would like to thank everyone who donates to The War Amps Key Tag Service because, with your support, we now know that Jericho is going to go further than we could have imagined.”Joy, Jericho’s mother