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Headshot of Paul Bédard


Paul Bédard

Paul Bédard was born on October 9, 1912, in New Carlisle, Quebec. He enlisted in the Canadian Army in 1941 with Les Voltigeurs before transferring to Le Régiment de Maisonneuve. In February 1945, he was wounded by multiple gunshots in Germany, leading to the loss of his leg above the knee.

He returned to Quebec City after the war and began work with the Quebec provincial police, and, later, the municipal police force of Quebec City.

Mr. Bédard served The War Amps Quebec Branch well, holding high-level positions, as well as acting as branch representative on the national level for The War Amps. These positions included:

  • Member, War Amps Dominion Council (1967-1977)
  • Secretary, Treasurer and National Director, Quebec Branch
  • National Treasurer, Quebec Branch (1979-1981)
  • Prosthetics Program Chairman, Quebec Branch
  • Chairman, War Amps Convention Committee (35th National Convention)

He passed away on August 23, 2003.

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