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Collage of war amputee veterans, child amputees and a set of keys with a War Amps key tag attached.
Collage of war amputee veterans, child amputees and a set of keys with a War Amps key tag attached.
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Key Tag Service – It Works!

Attach a confidentially coded key tag to any key ring you want to protect. If you lose your keys, we will return them to you by courier, free of charge.

By donating to the Key Tag Service, you provide young amputees with artificial limbs and invaluable peer connections that support them through every stage of life. You also help to improve the quality of life for all amputees by giving them a strong organization that advocates for their needs.

“Many thanks for returning my car keys. I didn't expect to see them again, so it was a great surprise. Keys are very expensive to replace these days.” Linda

Protect your keys and support amputees with a War Amps key tag.

Order Now

Helping Child Amputees

Your donation makes a difference in the lives of child amputees, like Vanessa.

“I had no idea how expensive artificial limbs were until Vanessa started to use them. The War Amps funded her bike arm, which grips the handlebar and ensures she can sit up straight and ride safely. I would like to thank every War Amps donor from the bottom of my heart. Vanessa is thriving because of your generosity.” Tori, Champ Vanessa’s mom

CHAMP Stories

Vanessa, an arm amputee, on her bike while wearing her bike arm.