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Collage of war amputee veterans, child amputees and a set of keys with a War Amps key tag attached.
Collage of war amputee veterans, child amputees and a set of keys with a War Amps key tag attached.
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Key Tag Service – It Works!

For many years, the Key Tag Service has been returning lost keys to Albertans. Key tags safeguard your keys, including expensive-to-replace car fobs.

Attach a confidentially coded key tag to any key ring you want to protect. If you lose your keys, we will return them to you by courier, free of charge.

The Key Tag Service is free, but if you find value in The War Amps programs and services, you can choose to donate.

Donations to the Key Tag Service make all of our essential programs for amputees possible, providing peer support, much-needed funding for artificial limbs and a strong organization that advocates for their needs.

Protect your keys and support amputees with a War Amps key tag.

Order Key Tags

“I am very grateful to The War Amps for your Key Tag Service. My purse was stolen with my keys inside, and I was sure I’d never see them again. I was so surprised when my keys were delivered to my home by courier from The War Amps. Thank you so much; you saved me hundreds of dollars in replacement fees and gave me peace of mind.” Mary-Anne

The War Amps DOES NOT:

  • Use professional fundraisers
  • Receive government grants
  • Solicit by phone or door-to-door
  • Sell or trade your name/address
  • Spend more than 10% on administration
  • Tie up funds in long-term investments