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The War Amps is committed to improving the quality of life for Canadian amputees.

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Prosthesis denial upheld by the Tribunal Administratif du Quebec underscores systemic issues with province’s funding

July 16, 2024 – A Quebec amputee is left without provincial coverage for a medically necessary prosthesis following a denial by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ), a decision which was recently upheld by the Tribunal Administratif du Quebec (TAQ).

“The War Amps is deeply disappointed in the tribunal’s decision in this case, which is a matter of human rights discrimination based on disability,” says Louis Bourassa, Quebec Director at The War Amps. “The denial of this medically necessary prosthesis by RAMQ is reflective of a larger systemic issue in provincial funding in Quebec.”

Samuel Vincent-Couillard, a member of The War Amps Adult Amputee Program, is a partial left hand amputee due to an accident in 2015. Vincent-Couillard was a private airplane pilot and was hit by a moving propeller when exiting a Cessna aircraft. His medical team determined that a myoelectric partial hand prosthesis is the only option for him to maintain the function required for activities of daily living. The prescribed prosthesis costs more than $64,000 plus subsequent adjustments and repairs.

RAMQ denied Vincent-Couillard’s request for the prosthesis in October 2017. The provincial insurer covers myoelectric devices for every other level of hand and arm amputation, so Vincent-Couillard would have been eligible if he had lost more of his hand.

Following multiple appeals and denials over the intervening years, Vincent-Couillard’s only option was to take his case to the tribunal. The War Amps supported him by helping him secure counsel and providing his representatives with information and expertise on amputation.

“The War Amps will appeal to the government to ensure that necessary legislative changes are made for the health and well-being of amputees in Quebec,” says Bourassa. “We will continue to advocate for Vincent-Couillard and all amputees so that provincial funding models do not leave this vulnerable population without the artificial limbs they need for everyday life.”

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For More Information

Lesley LeRoux
Manager, Communications
(613) 731-3821, ext. 2308