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The War Amps provides amputees with financial assistance for artificial limbs and information resources that address all aspects of amputation.

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Orthotics and Prosthetics Professionals

A male amputee receiving adjustments to his prosthetic leg by a prosthetist.

Orthotics and prosthetics (O&P) professionals may request information resources for themselves or their clients.

We work closely with the O&P industry to ensure amputees in Canada receive the appropriate prosthetic fittings they need, important information on all aspects of amputation and financial assistance towards the cost of their artificial limbs.

Information on Life as an Amputee

As a centre of excellence, The War Amps has many resources on living with amputation. Our expertise covers a range of topics, including limb care and hygiene, back pain, gait, phantom limb pain, driving and employment.

We work closely with O&P centres, manufacturers and the prosthetic industry in general to keep apprised of the latest developments in amputee care.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available through The War Amps for adults and children towards the cost of artificial limbs.

Please ensure all fields in these forms are filled out before submitting them to minimize followups and to ensure requests are processed in a timely manner. As these forms may be updated regularly, please download copies here and delete any previous versions you may have.

Prosthetic Estimate Form

  • The Prosthetic Estimate form is required when submitting funding requests.
  • Page 1 must be filled out, and centres must provide a breakdown of the request by either filling out page 2 or attaching a list to page 1.

CHAMP Adult Program Recreational Prosthesis Request

  • The CHAMP Adult Program Recreational Prosthesis Request form is required when Champs aged 25+ apply to have The War Amps fund their recreational limb or device; this is due to different funding limits for this age group.
  • The patient fills out this form and explains how the prosthesis will help them. It must be submitted by the prosthetic centre along with the Prosthetic Estimate form.

Payment and Insurance Form

  • The Payment and Insurance form is required when submitting an invoice for payment.
  • This form must be signed by the patient to confirm that they are satisfied with the service provided by the centre and to advise whether they have access to other funding sources.
  • As The War Amps is a registered charity, it is important that patients access their own provincial, group or private medical plans first.

Confirmation of Amputation

  • The Confirmation of Amputation form is required when a patient has applied for a one-time financial grant for new enrollees in our Adult Amputee Program.
  • The form must be completed and signed by a member of the patient’s medical team to confirm their level of amputation.

We are also available to assist prosthetic centres in obtaining war amputees’ prosthetic compensation through Veterans Affairs Canada or the Canadian Armed Forces.


We Are Here to Help

For more information or to request resources about artificial limbs and amputation, please contact us.

1 877 622-2472

The War Amps advocates for individual amputees who have encountered discrimination or red tape in accessing health care, important financial benefits and/or legal rights.

If your client has experienced any issues, you can refer them to The War Amps, as we may be able to help.

Continuing Education Program

Medical professionals who work with amputees may apply for financial assistance to attend courses, conferences and training sessions that focus on all aspects of care for persons with amputation and limb loss through the Continuing Education Program.

If you would like to apply for the Continuing Education Program, please refer to the guidelines and complete the application and expense forms.

We Are Here to Help

For more information or to request resources about artificial limbs and amputation, please contact us.

1 877 622-2472

“Thank you so much for providing the funding to allow me to attend the myoelectric controls conference. It was a great learning and collaborative experience. The presentations and workshops advanced my learning greatly, and I am looking forward to applying some of this knowledge in future prosthetic fittings for the betterment of my patients.”Michael